Post by Stig Erik TangenPost by Asbjorn DankertsenEget øre er vel nærmest totalt uegnet til en slik test. Tenker på
"lydhukommelse", forventning etc.
Ikke om man A/B tester.
Harman (JBL, Infinity, Revel, etc) har et set-up som fysisk flytter på
høyttalerne automatisk hver gang man bytter slik at de havner i samme
posisjon under en blindtest. Umulig å få til hjemme i stua vil jeg tro...
Floyd E Toole som leder laboratoreiet har 20 års erfaring fra forskning på
høyttalere/akustikk som i sin tid ble startet for å hjelpe den kanadiske
høyttalerindustrien, bla API (lager Energy, Mirage bla). Han har skrevet en
haug papirer hvor man i blindtester har funnet ut hvilken tonale kvalitetet
folk foretrekker i en høyttaler. Artig lesning.
Noen AES preprints:
Subjective Measurements of Loudspeaker Sound Quality
It has been argued (Toole, J.A.E.S. June 1982) that adequate controls
in listening tests can produce results that have meaning in an absolute
sense. The results of large-scale controlled listening tests have been
analyzed with a view to defining the precision of subjective measurements of
sound quality. The findings were highly significant. Listeners produced
results that were in general agreement, but the agreement was improved by
grouping listeners according to audiometric performance or judgment
variability. Listeners with a common form of hearing impairment exhibited
judgments that were distinctive in terms of consistency and bias.
Preprint Number: 1900 Convention: 72 (September 1982)
Author: Toole, Floyd E.
Subjective Measurements of Loudspeakers: A Comparison of Stereo and
Mono Listening
Earlier papers have described monophonic comparisons of loudspeakers
in controlled listening tests that produce sound quality assessments with
considerable consistency and order. Repeating the experiments in stereo,
using a positional substitution technique, produced sound quality ratings
with similarities and differences. For example, the ranking is similar, with
hiighly-rated products retaining their high scores, however listeners were
more forgiving of products with low scores from the monophonic tests. The
relationship to measured performance is considered.
Preprint Number: 2023 Convention: 74 (September 1983)
Author: Toole, Floyd E.
Loudspeakers and Rooms for Stereophonic Sound Reproduction
Stereophonic reproduction attempts to reconstruct, in the minds of
listeners, replicas of the timbral and spatial effects of acoustical events
that have occurred at earlier times and other places. It matters not whether
the -live- event consisted of musicians in a natural acoustical environment,
or a multi-track creation monitored in a control room. In all cases
musicians and production personnel presumably heard a stereophonic
reproduction that met their artistic and technical expectations. Assuming
that the necessary information has been preserved in the recording, a
replication can be successful only to the extent that the loudspeakers are
capable of reproducing the appropriate sounds, and that listening rooms are
capable of conveying those sounds to the ears of listeners. Variations in
loudspeakers and rooms create many difficulties in achieving this goal.
Although it has been traditional to consider the loudspeaker and room as
separate entities, this approach is no longer justified. The loudspeakers,
room and listener comprise a system within which the sounds and spatial
illusions of stereo are decoded, and they must be considered together. This
paper identifies many of the physical factors associated with loudspeakers,
with rooms, and with combinations of loudspeakers, listeners and rooms, that
are known to influence various aspects of stereophonic sound quality and
spatial imaging. By example, it shows some of the measurement methods
currently in use for assessing their importance to perceive timbre,
directional and spatial impressions.
Paper Number: 8-011 Conference: The AES 8th International
Conference: The Sound of Audio (April 1990)
Author: Toole, Floyd E.